開Party私心推介食譜 - 茄汁大蝦


坊間派對到會食物貴得嚟又唔好食? 不如自己親自準備。今次就為大家介紹簡易「茄汁大蝦」食譜。我哋嘅食譜揉合亞洲及地中海茄汁大蝦做法,大蝦嘅鮮味同濃香蕃茄必定令你垂涎三尺,包保朋友食完讚不絶口!



  1. 先將1個大蕃茄切粒及將2 個蒜頭切末。準備半杯橄欖油、半杯白酒、半茶匙糖、鹽同四分一茶匙黑胡椒、2 湯匙香草切末及1 湯匙檸檬汁。大蝦1磅,去殼去腸
    • 使用大大隻嘅虎蝦,食落啖啖肉更好味。同時,煮蝦適合使用乾白酒,如sauvignon blanc。使用甜酒反而會使味道過濃。
  2. 將橄欖油、白酒、蒜頭、糖、鹽及黑胡椒加到煲中。以中火加熱,煮至蒜末軟腍。
  3. 放入蕃茄粒,繼續以中火煮爛為止。然後撇去泡沫。
  4. 放入大蝦,並將蝦煮熟至紅色。
  5. 放入香草及檸檬汁,煮沸數分鐘。
  6. 可以上碟享用!









通常烹調新鮮茄汁需要 15-20分鐘,而烹調大蝦約需要 5-10 分鐘。整道菜大約需要半小時。









1. 清洗:將蝦用清水沖洗乾淨,然後放在碗中備用。

2. 切蝦:可以用鉸剪將蝦身嘅尖角剪走。你亦可以喺蝦嘅背部開一刀,令大蝦更入味。

3. 醃蝦:可以喺烹調前將蝦醃鹽、胡椒粉同橄欖油,以增加味道。


Cook your own Party Food - Fusion Tomato Shrimp Recipe


Get ready to impress your party guests with this simple and delicious dish - Tomato Shrimp! Try making this fusion dish that combines the flavors of Asia and the Mediterranean. The fresh and juicy shrimp cooked in a rich and flavorful fresh tomatoes will leave your friends begging for more!



  1. Start by dicing 1 large tomato and mincing 2 cloves of garlic. Prepare 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/2 cup of white wine, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Also, chop 2 tablespoons of herbs and prepare 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Finally, prepare 1 pound of shrimp, peeled and deveined
    • We recommend using large tiger shrimp for a more meaty texture. For the white wine, we suggest to use dry wine like sauvignon blanc instead of sweet wine, to prevent the taste from becoming too rich and lower the chance of caramelizing.
  2. Heat the olive oil, white wine, garlic, sugar, salt, and black pepper in a large pot over medium heat until the garlic is soft and fragrant.
  3. Add the diced tomato and continue cooking over medium heat until the tomato is soft and broken down. Skim off any foam.
  4. Add the shrimp and cook until they turn red and well-cooked.
  5. Put in the chopped herbs and lemon juice. Bring to a boil for a few minutes.
  6. Serve on a plate and Enjoy!


Ingredient recommendation

We have selected a series of fresh and high quality food ingredient, so that you can easily prepare this flavourful Tomato Shrimp Recipe:


Summary of the Tomato Shrimp Recipe

This recipe is straightforward. Put the ingredients into a pot and cook over medium heat until the shrimp are cooked thoroughly. We've added white wine, garlic, and black pepper to make the shrimp extra flavorful.


Recipe Preparation Time

It takes about 30 minutes to make this dish, with 15-20 minutes for the fresh tomato sauce and 5-10 minutes for cooking the shrimp.


Can I use bottled tomato sauce or tomato paste ?

Definitely. Just add a pinch of salt and extra black pepper to enhance the flavor of the shrimp.


Tomato Shrimp Fun Facts

Tomato Sauce Shrimp is a popular seafood dish not just in Hong Kong, but also in Italy and other Mediterranean countries. In Hong Kong, the dish is usually prepared with rich flavors like ketchup and soy sauce, while in Italy, it's lighter and made with fresh tomatoes.